
I am Tim,
a digital storyteller with a focus
on motion design and interaction

2017 - 2019 / Motion Design

Spiegel Online: Snapchat

Snaps for Spiegel Online on Snapchat Discover
Snaps for Spiegel Online on Snapchat Discover

2019 - 2023 / Motion Design


Thumbnail of Videosposts for ZDFinfo
Screenshots of the videopost: Why you you shouln't be scared of Aids

2016 / Interactive Musicvideo

Rauch Licht und Raufaser

Screenshot of the interactive musicvideo Rauch Licht und Raufaser by the band AB Syndrom
Screenshots of several scenes of Rauch Licht und Raufaser

2021 / Illustration

100 Days of Illustration

abstract illustration of three jazzmusicians
abstract illustration of a trumpet-player with long limbs
closeup illustration of musicians hands
illustrations of people sitting in Soupbowls and teamugs
illustrations of a view on different windows with people dowing everyday stuff
illustrations of people doing outdoor activities in a small square

2023 / UX & UI


Screenshot of the website verhaert-design.de
Screenshots of the website verhaert-design.de
A letter from the copywriter: from Venice to Rome with a fresh Limoncello. greetings from your copywriter – and please wait for me before you go online with the website. proofreading is always meaningful! see you soon, greetings from Rimini – the text genius on vacation

Wanna work together?
→ Say hello!

Wanna work together?
→ Say hello!